Tuesday, May 31, 2011


What a week.   What a month.   HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY WHITE RABBIT DAY.    The Bunny was very good to me this month and brought some amazing surprises for me and even more for my Birthday.   I was spoiled. 

Well two days in a row I have to sleep with my cell phone in bed waiting for those HAPPY WHITE RABBIT CALLS TO COME.   The challenge last month was to at least say HAPPY WHITE RABBIT DAY  to ten people and pass it on.   Well to my surprise on the last WHITE RABBIT DAY when I went into a local restaurant and everyone was yelling WHITE RABBIT DAY to me.   I have to say it is the best way to start a month.   Friends calling being silly together because now we all have to out do each other.  You will hear the shout of HUGE WHITE RABBIT, OR MONSTER WHITE RABBIT and so on and on.   The bigger the rabbit the bigger the surprise.   I know I had some pretty big unexpected surprises.  

So lets repeat the challenge this month try and say HAPPY WHITE RABBIT to at least ten people get excited,  get those smiles going wait in bed with the phone.

If this is your first time reading about White Rabbit saying it three times will bring you good luck through out the month and you will receive an unexpected surprise from someone.   So join in say HAPPY WHITE RABBIT  and start a tradition.

Hey what are you waiting for


Today is my Birthday

Well today I am a year older.   I would like to say a year wiser but I went through the whole of last year thinking I was a year older than what I actually was.   So this year I am the same age.   That means that I can't take credit for being wiser.   But I will check all the limbs make sure they are working and wait in bed for breakfast.

Its an exciting week for me first its my birthday followed by White Rabbit day and then I have an anniversary on the fourth.   I should have booked holidays but I work for this really demanding person and she doesn't often give days off she is kind of a ...... oh but wait that would be me I am my own boss.    I can't even go to management and complain it would be like those cartoons an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.

So what to do for my birthday.   Well my house phone is broken so I won't be able to wait by the phone for my usual well wishers.   I called the telephone company and they won't be here til |Friday.    So I will tuck my cell phone in to bed with me and wait for the calls in the morning.   

I would love to take the day and play in my garden, play with the horses, go for a walk with Bailey and Dakota (the puppy we kept) and with little Malachite..   but I have far to much work to do.   

My children always ask what I would like and its simple - when I come home from work just make sure the house is tidy.   That just puts a big smile on my face.   I love waiting for my dad to call at 6 am with his off key singing voice, then Isaiah will call me, and at the end of the day my oldest daughter Justyne will call from out west and wish me a Happy Birthday Mama and a when are you coming to see me.  

I love every morning Bailey wakes me up with her two paws at the side of my head and a great big lick good morning at which point I will push her down and when I can open my eyes say a good morning to her.    She is a morning dog so when the clock strikes 6 she is up and wants out and her breakfast in the bowl by 8.  

So it will be a great day today I am looking forward to all my many friends and their birthday cheers and then hear from them the very next day for a HAPPY WHITE RABBIT DAY.   I CAN'T WAIT

Pretend today is your Birthday and Celebrate your birthday with me.   Have a great day.  Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Grateful Mondays

Today I am grateful that I have at least 5 minutes to sit down and write my blog - I have been so busy in the last week I have not known if I was coming or going.   I had a cottage to paint for a customer, my son, Isaiah, came home to graduate, and I am busy opening cottages for many people.   Today I am just grateful to be in front of my computer for a moment to share with you.

I am GRATEFUL that my son came home to his graduation and I was able to see him for a couple of days.   I miss him very much.

I am GRATEFUL that the bears decided not to take my garbage that I have placed out at the road.   The last two weeks was picnic week for them.

I am GRATEFUL that I have finally lost 6 lbs.....YEAH for me.

I hope you have a great day and let me know what you are GRATEFUL for .

Friday, May 27, 2011

Do you Take Time to Dream??

When was the last time you focused on your dreams???? No really focus.   Have you reached any of your dreams so far, touched them or even let your self taste them.   Does life get so busy that you have a glimpse of your dreams and let push it away. 

Today I would like to bring you closer to your dreams and let them happen.


As a child do you remember wanting something and you wished and wished and wished and next thing you know it is sitting in your living room or out in a pasture somewhere. 

Most of us focus on something and then give up on the dream not realizing that it was right there at your finger tips.   I am also guilty of that however, if I decide I really want something and then there is no stopping me.   I can pull that dream in and manifest it and do it pronto.  Then other times I really really want something and as close as I get to it I find it pulls out of my reach its like at the end I give up on the dream.    Oh I really want it but I push it off and off and off.    Eventually it comes but how did I push it away from me. 

Most times its how we feel.   We don't feel like we deserve it or someone else deserves it more.    Its the same as money someone once said if you thought of the ocean as money and you had a sand bucket how many times could you go back to get some before the ocean was empty.   NEVER.   So why do each us feel there is never enough money and  we limit ourselves to it.



|Do not put limitations on yourself.   You are worthy and hey your sand bucket is the same as anyone else's.    Go as many times as you want to the ocean of money and fill your bucket up.    See the dream, feel the dream and own the dream.    You know yourself when you want something bad enough the money is always there for you.    Or it just is yours.    Work within those parameters and you will see that you can achieve anything.    Nothing is impossible.   Throw all your doubts, fears and I cant's into the garbage or the fire.

Today take the time to DREAM and let the DREAM come to life.   

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday's Thought

"The true mystic lives alongside other people - coming and going, eating and sleeping, buying and selling, marrying and chatting - but not for a moment does he forget God."

Abu Sa'id Lbn Abi-L-Khayr


Monday, May 23, 2011

Meet the Angels :: Archangel Gabreil

The name Gabriel means "Man of God"; He is the Angel of revelation.  Gabriel and Michael functioned as the witnesses at the wedding of Adam and Eve. He is the messenger Angel who announced to Mary that she would bear a Son who would be conceived of the Holy Spirit, Son of the Most High, and the Saviour of the world.

The color red is linked to Gabriel, signifying He is a manifestation of God’s judgment. Gabriel is the Angel who serves as a messenger from God.  He is called the 'chief of the four favoured Angels' and the spirit of truth.

Archangel Gabriel is one of the two highest ranking Angels. He is the leading Angel who stands in the presence of God . He is the Archangel of annunciation, humanity, resurrection, heavenly mercy, vengeance, death, revelation, truth, and hope.  Archangel Gabriel is the Chief Ambassador to God and brings revelations to the Prophets.   He is the keeper of the child in the womb and gives the infant information on what they need to know during their lifetime prior to their birth on earth.  It is said that Archangel Gabriel silences infants just prior to birth and that is why there is a cleft in peoples lips just under their nose.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 22 :: Its the Day After Rapture

Well it was May 21st a day we all waited for and the excitement was building

and then

I think maybe it was the

Well I tried to call Harold Camping to find out what happened but

He was unavailable for comment

I hope you had an awesome Rapture Day and


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Its May 21, 2011 :: Its Rapture Day

It's May 21, 2011; according to one young lady I spoke to recently this is the day of the apocalypse.   It's the day of Rapture and I am waiting. Waiting to go. NO? OK!   I'm pretty sure I am not on the list.   You see I know things, and I do know that most churches are very taboo about psychics.  And yet many people are preparing to get ready from the end of the world.  Most of the believers of the apocalypse are very religious; and it is in the bible that the preachers preach about the Book of Revelation continuously and prepare us to make our maker.  Now they are giving us an exact date.  How cool is that?   Maybe I can set up a table for them and they can do readings along with me. 

So do you suppose people who are expecting the end of the world pack a suitcase. I wonder where will this young woman sit waiting for God to take her.   Will she wait in the park.  Will she call all her friends and wish them a pleasant good bye.

What would you do if you didn't make the list?   Would you call them the next day just as nothing happened and just like getting cut from a sports team say; "I guess I wasn't good enough this year,  maybe next time."  
What worries me is how many people are so sure that this apocalypse is happening, and those will take their own measures to ensure they make it there. True believers know that taking your own life is a sin and you won't get on the list anyway.   I guess there just won't be a win win for anyone. 

I am going to take the day off and check the sky. Hopefully it is a beautiful day and I can plant some flowers and keep an eye out for the influx of people leaving.  I know I am definitely not on the list, so I had better make sure that I pay my bills as usual and clean the house (on second thought I might have just found an escape clause for today).  'Sorry honey no chores done, no laundry, no supper and no anything.   I thought I was on the list.'

I will be busy getting ready to post my blog for Sunday and enjoy having a day off now, apparently doing nothing.   I will keep my eye out for the people leaving and I hope they give us a little wave on the way. I am pretty mad that I didn`t make the list and knew ahead of time (must be that intuition thing) but all is well. Maybe the lady at euchre will have made the list and it will save me doing the 'poof, you're a frog trick'.  Now wouldn't that just take all the fun out of it.   I couldn't play euchre with her and wink and let on that I knew what was in her hand.   Well maybe she isn't on the list and it is game on.  

So enjoy your day. I hope you have a day of rapture, but with your family and friends. It should be a great day, and the weather people are calling for sunshine and blue skies.  Take advantage of your Saturday, and if you work you may have an excuse to call in.  If you are waiting for your name to be called well good luck to you.

"Hi boss, yes - I think I might be on God's list and I had better be home to answer his call.  I wouldn't want you to be the reason I missed his call" 

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Day in my Life :: A Walk with the Ghosts

Two summers ago I had some friends over and they where looking for some excitement.   We have a lake very close by our home, horses to ride, fun around a camp fire; but my friends were in the mood to go on a Ghost Tour.
And so.......  my Husband, Daughter, Aunt and one of my employees were all edging me to go on a Ghost Tour.   My Husband chuckled and said 'they all just wanted to spend a day in your life and have the be jebbers scared out of them'.  

I suggested that if they wanted to do something like that, they had better find a place for the tour. I was pretty confident it was a phase and by the next day everyone would have forgotten the idea.  But, oh no, they didn't.  Everyone proudly announced that they had found a Ghost Walk with Terry Boyle in the Town of Bala (nearby). Now my attention was peaked.

When I worked at a coffee shop some years ago, Terry would stop in and grab his coffee on the go all the time.  He would often tell me about a book he was writing called Haunted Ontario.    I was always very interested when Terry stopped by and would talk for a bit about some of the places he was investigating. Some of the spots were just around the corner from where I live.

I thought well ok, if nothing else it would be great to see Terry.   My Son had collected or read almost every book Terry had written, and religiously watched the television series Creepy Canada.

Off to Bala the gang of us all went.  We met at the Bala Bay Inn, when I was a teenager I had heard the stories of the hauntings  there, so I was getting excited.  And my family, they were very excited;  they were on a mission to see a ghost.
It's not that easy, I explained; but they wouldn't listen.
And so, armed with cameras they were on a mission.   Well I wished them good luck;   and then thought let me play with this a bit and see what information I can get on my own. 

First we talked about the Leprechauns of Bala. I looked, but couldn't see or get any information about them.  Not a problem I thought, we will just continue on our way.  We made a few more stops and still nothing. I was getting more and more disappointed as the time went by.

We then entered a building named The Key to Bala.  Before Terry could speak, I saw a man dressed in a tux come down off of a stage and stand in the middle of the floor.  I looked around to see if anyone else noticed him, and then I noticed a lady in a long dress come down the stairs at the back.
Terry confirmed my visions by explaining to everyone the different spirits that people had seen there. I had seen two apparitions.

We walked further along and I saw a young man by the rail road tracks. This man didn't acknowledge me. The man looked as though he was new to his spirit world, and so I waited. Terry told the story of a young man who drank a little too much and died tragically on the train tracks.


I was now really excited the next two stops lead me to seeing the apparitions and then hearing the story from Terry. I was so engrossed by this discovery, and I found myself abandoning my family and felt lost in my own little world. 

Our tour ended back at the Bala Bay Inn where we heard the various stories from the Inn.    We were let loose to go and take random pictures around the Inn and to later meet back up to review our findings.   My family was on the run, I just smiled and followed.   Everyone was on a mission to find the most Haunted Room, which is not rented out anymore.  I had reservations about going on one particular floor, but I thought 'hey, why not let them have fun'.  While we were on that floor I decided that it was time to head back down.
My husband, Daughter and my friend were not leaving and seemed even more determined to stay on this floor until they saw a ghost. All of the sudden there was a bat flying at their heads; in seconds flat they were on the floor and then scrambling to the stairs.   I laughed and laughed,  and thought at least they had the scare they came for.

We arrived at the meeting room with all the other ghost enthusiasts to review our pictures and there was a new book and an autograph line.   When it came time for us to get our book and autograph I reintroduced myself to Terry and talked for a moment or two.    My wonderful daughter Aysha (her Indian name is Aysha Talk a lot) was kind enough to blurt out rather loudly that I was a Psychic. I was a little embarrassed by her outburst and tried to hustle us along.  Terry stopped me and talked for a moment and asked me to send along any comments or experiences I may have had.   I was too chicken.  

A year later I was having lunch with two friends at a wonderful little restaurant called the Bass Lake Restaurant.   The waitress saw us to our table, we ordered and then I proceeded to the ladies room.  I stopped dead in my tracks;  there was a picture on the wall and I recognized the man in the picture.   I had seen him before, he was the man from the Key to Bala.   The man I had seen in the tux.   He was the owner.   I remember asking Terry if anyone had identified the man in the building, but he never answered me.   I was excited; so much so that I forgot about my journey to the ladies room and hurried back to the table to tell my friends.  

I remember not being excited about the ghost tour, or my families enthusiasm;  but after seeing that picture and remembering our walk with the ghosts.  It was very exciting, filled with a group who hung on to every word that Terry said, and in the end quite an adventure.  

Next time you are in Bala or Parry Sound take the time to Walk with the Ghosts with Terry you won't be disappointed.  

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